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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  October 17, 2012 1:35am-2:10am PDT

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(crowley) "i'm sorry." ..... "... mr. president let me finish" both candidates come out swinging, in one of the wilt presid ates we've ever this. >> [overlapping speakers] both candidates come outswinging in one of the wildest presidential debates eve ever seen. tonight's town hall debate format meant no podeiums leaving the candidates out in the open. grace lee shows us it wasn't long before they were going toe to toe. >> and they were doing it often, dana. >> president barack obama had a lot of ground to make up
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following the first debate. it appears he did. 37% gave him the win and 37% called it for mitt romney. >> california were even more convinced. 56% of those surveyed called the president the clear winner. part of the reason they say the president was engaged and seemed better prepared than before. it was his perform thans that really -- performance that set the tone. >> and very little of what governor romney said was true. >> reporter: and with that we saw a different mr. obama. >> you stood in front of a coal. >> okay. ponented at -- plant and pointed at it and says this plan kills and took pride in shutting it down and now you're a big champion in coal. what i try to do is be pretty consistent. >> have you looked at your
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pension? >> i don't look at mine. it's not as big as yours. >> reporter: governor romney was clearly prepared and he stayed on message. >> my priority is on jobs. we can't afford four more years like this. >> reporter: what was different in round 2? the tone was often combative. >> i don't believe you're a person who will be pushing for oil and gas and coal. you will get your chance in a moment. that was a statement. >> you said in the rose garden the day after the attack it was an attack of terror. it was not spontaneous demonstration. >> please proceed, governor. >> i want to make sure we get that for the record because -- >> he did in fact, sir.
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let me call it an act of terror -- he did call it an act of terror. >> reporter: as expected the moderator, did not sit on the sidelines. >> i got to move you along. >> he actually got the first question so i get the last answer in that one. >> actually in the follow-up it doesn't work that way. i understand both of you, but i will get run of town. >> i just described you precisely how i do it with a single that people can put their productions and credits in. >> we're keeping track, i prolls you. >> joining me now is political analyst joe tumen. did they go too far this time around ramping it up. >> no, i think it was reminiscent in some ways of
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what some people found distasteful about joe biden's combative nature. both the president and romney were doing these tonight. i've been watching these since 1960 and there was something weird about talking to the president saying you'll get your turn. you are talking to the most powerful person on the earth. the hand motionings were also very -- motions were very strong. there was something about not being wereful about the institution of presidency. >> we're going to move on with too a cup -- to a couple issues that were bought up this time around. one woman's health issues. >> a major difference in this campaign is that governor romney feels comfortable having politicians in washington decide the healthcare choices
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that women are making. i think that's a mistake. >> the president had a huge lead with women about a week ago. a new gallup poll shows him having an one point lead among women. >> well there's this and other polls that are suggesting that there's division in those numbers and there's a division between what married and single women think. married have turned back towards romney. but i have to say, that on the whole, i think the president's performance was probably more appealing to women. it wasn't just what obama said, it was also what the governor said. google these words, binders of women. how he made the comment he gave women time to go home to their kids so they could make dinner and the rest of it. there are a lot of people who
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cringed and say, they see us as people who are solely responsible for the children. that may be a problem for the governor. >> one more bite. we brought up the 47%, we heard it again tonight. >> i care about 100% of the american people. i want 100% to have a bright and prosperous future. >> i believe that governor romney is a goodman, but he also said between closed doors that 47% of the country see themselves as victims who refuse -- >> a question that he tried to answer by saying i love 100% of the people. that particular moment is the reason i thought that obama won the debate. it was the last minute and he reminded voters of what he should have said two weeks ago.
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it's what he says in private that you have to be concerned about. it this is what he really thinks of 47% of the people. the president said, you got to hold him accountable to his words. that may be verydaging. -- damaging. that can make a dig difference in the tight polls. >> thank you to you. and check out our exclusive presidential forum on every day the candidates are waying in on issues that matter to you. >> also in the news tonight, hundreds of people filled san francisco's city hall today and honor ambassador chris stevens. the bay area native was one of four americans killed in benghazi libya in the terrorist attack. on his friends and families' final goodbyes. >> reporter: family and friends, diplomats and a senator joined to celebrate the
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life of ambassador chris stevens. his younger sister remembered how she was the target of his pranks and also how he inspired her growing up. >> i saw the world through chris' wide amount mystickizes. -- optimistic eyes. >> everybody thought to send us one of your best diplomats. but unfortunate will not be able to protect him. >> reporter: friends said he was a good diplomat because he was interested in the interests of the libyan people. >> he was being trailed by security men who were obviously very intimidating to other tourists. as she recounted it, he reached over to one of the men, stole
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his camera and started taking pictures of the men who had been following them. they were so dumbfounded that they had to laugh. and after a quickkers, chris -- conversation chris convinced them to stand down. >> there are multiple investigations on how it happened including questions about the security at the consulate. it would barely register here, but on the east coast, everyone is talking about their big earthquake. a 4.0 struck just west of portland maine today. it was felt as far as boston and connecticut. there are reports of minor damage. one family says that they have some cracks in their house. earthquakes are rare in new england, but not unheard of. this is the second strongest in
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maine's history. the san francisco giants are in enemy territory preparing for game 3 against the cardinals. the team worked out in cbs stadium this evening. >> hello from st. louis. good news to report. marko scooter, the giants second baseman who took the hard slide in yesterday's game. he even hit a home run. you can expect him to be in the line-up for tomorrow's game three. >> when he wants to talk to you before the game [expletive] >> this is much better than what i saw. and it will be there tomorrow. ♪[ music ] >> st. louis isn't known for the silver screen, the barbecue sauce, not even budweiser and
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you know how it pains me to say that. it's about baseball. the giants see the arch as the great way not to -- gate way not to the west, but to the world series. >> will clark was there in '87 when the giants blew an opportunity to get to the world series. busch stadium is one of the biggest home field advantages evidenced by the cardinals 50 home wins this season. >> the whole time i was there as a visitor, you know, they really appreciate good baseball. >> it'll be a pair of 16 game winners in game three. and for all of you who can't make it to the baseball game, well this bud's for you. san francisco is showing its giants pride all over town. this is a live look at city
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hall lit up in orange. we'll have much more on game three and that slide later in sports. >> this is what ten million$ looks like when it capsizes. the perfect storm that causes america's boat to tip and get sucked out to sea. >> and police called them the rainbow girls. how the all-girl gang is terrorizing one ,,,,,,,,
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the 10-million- dollar oracl not a pretty site at all. one of those america's cup race boats overturning in the bay today and eventually drifting out in the ocean. the ten million boat capsized near the san francisco yacht club this afternoon. pieces drifted past the golden gate. kiet do on what went wrong. >> reporter: as it bares away to the right the bow starts to dip into the water and
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capsizes. the sailors say it was surreal as it was happening. >> it's hard to explain, but it was a very different feeling for sure. >> reporter: he says the wind was blowing one way at 25 knots and the current was going in the opposite direction. the boat did what is called a pitch pole as it turned. >> it's very easy to stick the nose in the boat and that's when the capsizes occur. >> reporter: most of the boat was still out of the water and intact as crews clung to the upside down hole. that was around 3:00 p.m. a few hours later the boat was completely overturned and it wing was under water. by evening the wing was chopped up into pieces and the hole got thrashed as the current pushed the boat beyond the golden gate at least seven miles out to sea. >> i'm not sure what happened. we'll have to reveal the data
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and video. >> all of a sudden it just went over and did a pitch pole and wound up upside down. >> reporter: all across the bay people saw the flip. including the uc berkeley sailing tame. >> when it went over everyone was fascinated to see what was going to happen next. >> reporter: today had the strongest tied of the year. this is the first time a major incident has happened with the newer longer 72 food design. >> you learn a lot more from your fouls than if you hadn't done this. now we know how hard we can push it and where the limits are and what to do safety wise how to get off untarmed. -- unharmed. >> the the wreckage is back inside the bay moving at a speed at about 1 knot. it should be here around 1 a.m.
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. we'll crunch all the data and try to make sure this doesn't happen again. who would steal a puppy right out of an animal shelter. somebody snatched ten week old violet from the spca this afternoon. the dog was left alone for a moment and next thing they knew she was gone. terrier mix is still healing from being spayed and she has not had all her shots yet. >> she should not be outside and not be socializing with unvaccinated dogs. >> there is a 5 hounds reward for her -- $500 reward for her safe return. they are making sure everybody knows their name. on how this girl gang has turned shop lifting into organized crime.
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>> reporter: people come from all over to shop union square. and police say a group of local girls is also frequenting the area. a gang of shop lifters known as the rainbow girls. >> they come in packs and then they will start extracting the, you know, the workers and once they get to opportunity they'll, you know, dash. >> reporter: we showed you this mass shop lifting of an union square store last month. the cops called them rainbow girls because the girls often dress and dye their hair in bright colors. >> they were wearing more subdued out fits when they struck tory burts on tuesday afternoon. >> the employees tell me that the girls immediately spread
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out inside the store. one strangely plugged her cell phone in to charge while others grabbed stuff and put it into their shopping back. >> clerks tried to lock them in a activity hold them for police. they eventually got away. >> other stores say they have gotten hit in recent days including this one which had its front door shattered. they slammed it shut while escaping with a few stolen goods. >> in this case they only got away with a cell phone cover and a hand bag of one of the employees. some california school districts are red hot from a salty snack. this is youtube video and its
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dits -- it's an induction of how popular flaming hot cheetos are. some schools want to ban them. one bag has 24 grams of fat and almost a quarter of recommended sodium for an entire day. >> this will later in life lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. >> in a statement they said they don't sell snack truck directly -- prod,,,,,,,,,,
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paul toss sports it is mid october yet we will get a taste of summer followed by a taste of winter. all coming up in the forecast. what's going on now, concord is 65. liver moore is currently 64. maybe you're heading out early for a jog. napa is down to 56. here's what's changed over the past day. low pressure over oregon and washington has moved out. critical for our weather because that will allow high pressure to get bigger and move to the north. it's going to park park itself along the coast line.
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that clockwise flow of air gives us an offshore wind. we will likely have wide-spread 80s and 90s. if you like cooler weather, that's back for friday and will stick around for the weekend. foulike wetter weather, first half of fall, wetter weather is coming in early next we can. san jose is 9 degrees above average. san mateo up to 80. no morning cloud cover for pleasant hill, livermoor, 91 degrees tomorrow. daily city 76 degrees. warm wednesday and thursday, cooling down on friday and rain, rain is likely next monday and tuesday. time for sports. straight ahead. he's back. tiger pitcher justin burrlinger up to
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at cepacol we've heard people are going to extremes to relieve their sore throats. oh, okay, you don't need to do that. but i don't want any more of the usual lozenges and i want new cooling relief! ugh. how do you feel? now i'm cold. hmm. this is a better choice. new cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. ahhh. not just a sensation, sensational relief.
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about giants/cardinals game3 tomorrow... ...theres stilla liday's . baseball. just when you might think it's all about giants cardinals game 3 tomorrow. still abuzz about the slide into demarko scoot row. the slide in yesterday's inning of game 2. scootro worked out
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with the team today. he doesn't believe holiday was intentionally trying to hurt him. >> i don't think he tried to hurt me. just trying to play hard and, you know, just a little late. today it feels much better. and it will probably be there tomorrow. >> all right. detroit and alex rodriguez benched for the tigers. alc is game three and this is miguel cabrera, doubling into center field. tigers led 2-0 in the 5th. struck out robinson. yankees rally down 2-9 in the 9th, but fillco gets the best out of the tigers' win. he is tonight's top five. number 5. carlos -- the u.s. won
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3-1 match yankees tigers again. here's the pop-up and he is alex, and he gets it! russell martin. number three, former warrior and jimmy butler on the trailer. nice for the bulls. ever wonder what it's like to face a 100-mile fastball? well today i found out. >> i faced 16 100-mile an hour fastballs. >> were they coming at you? >> if you swing late or early,
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you're done. if it hit me, well i wouldn't be standing here. >> knock you out. >> pite pretty -- pretty cool that little simulator. >> it's an old giants uniform that i ,,,,,,
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all right. giants tomorrow, but, it could be a problem. >> thunderstorms likely. would not be surprised at all if the start of the game is ,,
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